
High interest in LEARN-IP in Ruse

Photo: Angela Ivanova, Dohodno Zdanie in Ruse, Bulgaria

The multiplier event of our LEARN-IP initiative in Bulgaria, entitled “Cultural heritage and tourism assets – opportunities to unlock their potential”, was held in the beautiful city of Rousse on June 16, 2022. It was positioned as the main seminar panel at the Tourist Exhibition “WEEKEND TOURISM 2022”. A total of 45 participants from various public and business organizations came to learn more about the results of the project and the opportunities for the valorisation of IPR in the field of cultural heritage and cultural tourism, 3D digitization and funding opportunities.

The organizer of the event INI-Novation Bulgaria created a comprehensive program dedicated to IPR in the field of cultural heritage and tourism, which gave the participants the opportunity to enjoy the presentations of speakers who are established experts in their field. The aim was to inspire and motivate the attendees to look for new creative opportunities to develop and increase their income by using the most appropriate intellectual property rights for their work and by applying the possibilities offered by the 3D digitization of cultural heritage.

The audience had many questions related specifically to the protection of trademarks and geographical indications for intangible cultural heritage. People in Bulgaria are particularly sensitive to the IPR topic, due to the wealth of cultural heritage that the country has and its insufficient promotion in Europe.

The event generated very positive reactions and many invitations were made for further meetings and trainings on IPR and digitalisation. The organizer, Ms. Angela Ivanova, and the Bulgarian project advisor, Ms. Svetlina Stefanova, received invitations from the University of Ruse as speakers to present the topic of IPR and the steps for their valorisation in the field of cultural heritage and tourism to students who create innovative technologies.

Photos: Ivo Botev, Moments of the Learn-IP multiplier event in Ruse, Bulgaria

(This blog article was written by Angela Ivanova / INI-NOVATION Bulgaria)