
In Romania an event took place December 14th, 2022 in cooperation with the Uniuversity of Suceava mainly targeting the members of APT Bukovina, the Romanian LEARN-IP partner which is a Destination Management Organisation in the Bukovina region. APT also invited Destination Management Organisations nation-wide as well as students and professors of Suceava university. All trainings modules, the training platform as well as the Handbook for Trainers of the LEARN-IP project were presented and discussed in detail with the participants.

The event was not only a perfect dissemination opportunity but also an additional external monitoring instrument for the LEARN-IP partnership: All LEARN-IP Outputs/results were checked concerning their relevance with the Romanian target groups and additional interested parties.

LEARN-IP partner Lacramioara Beilic from APT explained the training modules and the training platform in detail.

The event was accompanied by diverse dissemination activities, e.g. press activities, social media activities and face-to-face meetings with representatives of the target groups.

Interested in organising an event on intellectual property rights for cultural heritage and/or cultural tourism? Please feel invited to contact APT for further information.

Testing the LEARN-IP training platform – full house of interested participants at the Romanian event in Suceava / Bukovina.

Picture credits: APT